
Since reading “Limits to Growth” in 1972, Nigel Howard has dedicated his career (in UK, US and now Australia) to using his scientific training to support practical climate and environmental action.  Clarity Environment is the trading name for Nigel’s consultancy work.

In particular, climate change has proved our most intractable, dangerous and urgent threat, even threatening our survival as a species and the survival of 90% of other species.  We are failing badly.  We have known the science for 3 decades or more, but we have recklessly failed to act, due to the machinations of corporate vested interests and the capitulation of our political leaders.  Nigel has long been concerned that mankind’s priorities are motivated by short-term financial gain at the expense of survivable futures for our own children’s generation.

If the “Hothouse Earth” research published in 2018 is correct, we are now on the cusp of triggering unstoppable climate runaway to 4-6DegC of warming from compounding positive feedback loops in our climate system and we are still not taking climate seriously.  The evidence of the past 3 years of accelerating climate disasters may imply that it is already be too late!

Many well-intentioned initiatives and some designed deliberately to mislead are promoted as “Green” but turn out to be ineffective or worse still, have perverse outcomes that are actually more damaging for the environment e.g so-called “Green Hydrogen”; “Green Steel”, “Carbon Offsets”, nuclear power and some recycling.  This is all compounded by a smokescreen of greenwash and green claims.  At the same time, we are frequently too short-sighted or shallow in our thinking to see some very potent opportunities e.g. the massively strategic benefits of bi-directionally charged electric vehicles and the opportunities to regulate net zero emissions from homes.

Clarity Environment uses best available science and Life Cycle Assessment to provide complete, consistent and robust advice that exposes perverse outcomes and will stand up to scrutiny and age well.  This advice often confronts the established wisdom of the day.  Nigel has internationally acknowledged expertise in Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Costing, serving business, governments, NGO’s and industry in:

Research and consultancy commissions.

Now in transition to retirement, Nigel’s focus has shifted to climate research and activism Locally, State-Wide, Federally and Internationally.  Nigel founded the Northern Beaches Climate Action Network of nearly 50 organisations concerned about and active on climate and environment.  Nigel attempts to focus on big naïve climate initiatives, since we appear to have run out of time for the incremental changes that he tried to achieve throughout his career.